Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Oops. Over a month since I blogged here - got an attack of Life, or at least enough worry about it to stop the fine, careless yarn rapture. I hasten to add, though, that I have been knitting, and that it's been the kind of boring work on the same project where, if I had updated, all I'd have said would have been "Finished Farscape Season 2, Swiss Cheese scarf update: now 72cm." Please assume such posts to have been made, leading to the point where I can say that the scarf is now 92cm long by my cute sheep measure, I'm on my third ball of wool, and the stitches are a lot more even than they were when I started. Soon I shall progress from taking out the cotton washcloth yarn Robynn made me buy, looking at the pattern and having a small, feeble Purl moment, to actually trying to knit it.

In other news, I have a new job from January, one with an actual salary, so will be able to buy more yarn. (You can see how the finer essentials of this knitting lark have vouchsafed themselves to me). In the last two weeks I have fondled yarn in three separate shops, although remaining strong in not actually acquiring any owing to the uncertainty about money.

However, I did succumb and buy myself a knitting bag. It's beautiful, and has probably accounted for about 20cm of scarf in sheer inspiration.

Note the nonchalant way the scarf is draped out of the bag. Practically Rubenesque.

Oh, and happy seasonal wossnames to all, hope you got lots of good knitting done.


david santos said...

Nice posting, thank you.

I wish you a good end of 2007 and a good year of 2008.

Schedule5 said...

Ooooooh. I like the pretty bag...

Scarf is looking good too :)

Robynn said...

Very nice bag (Naga?) and fine looking scarf, ma'am! I am pleased that the dearth of blogging didn't mean cessation of interest. You know I was worried. Had I been less far away, there may have been an Intervention. ("You're not addicted enough!")

Emily said...

The scarf is looking great - wonderful colour!

extemporanea said...

Bag is indeed Naga, Robynn. The nice proprietor reduced the price madly for me. And I'm sorry to have apparently ducked off the knit scene, I should have realised you'd get all twitchy :>.

Thanks for all the nice comments about the scarf, everyone. They have madly softened the woe at having to rip back about twelve rows this evening, having realised I made a giant error two sets of holes back. Le sigh. On the upside, I watched Labyrinth while re-knitting them, thus perpetrating both scarf length and the current David Bowie fixation.