Wednesday, April 23, 2008

knitting pome

Knitting poetry by Moira Linehan. Eve cable-stitches the serpent's back. You seasoned knitters are quite probably familiar with this, but it rather charmed me.

The banana fibre scarf is twice as long as my arm, and has only not made any progress in the last week because I've run out of X-Files. New seasons arrive in July, until which time I shall have to retreat into Buffy. I discovered, with some annoyance, that the two balls of wool are slightly different colours, so I've alternated them in huge chunks, probably not an optimal solution but I didn't want to rip it back and be more artistic as this yarn breaks very easily. The second colour is also slightly differently textured, not as smooth. Is this normal with hand-dyed stuff?

I will photograph it all soon. I will! I will!


Anonymous said...

Yes, hand dyed yarn is almost always slightly different from skein to skein. That is its charm and its curse. [Aside: it is a measure of how very much I should be in bed right now that I first typed it's.] The best way to deal with this, in terms of avoiding stripey-ness, is to use a circular needle and switch between balls every single row. (Point of a circ needle being that you don't need to work 2 rows, bringing the working end back to where you left the other ball - you can just push the stitches back to the other side. You follow? Not sure that made any sense. I really should be in bed.)

Very nice pome. I didn't know it. There are other nice knitting pomes, the most famous being the Pablo Neruda one, but my own favourite is of course Mervyn Peake's I have my price.

Bronchitkat said...

Enjoyed the pome. Usually enjoy pomes.

Now want a pic of the scarf!