Monday, November 5, 2007

Several Things

1. Am in love with the weirdness of this scarf, Robynn's suggestion as an alternative to the plain/purl combination which is eluding me. It's particularly reassuring pattern because it allows me to knit four plain rows straight off. This I can do. OK, I can't yet do it without ending up with tangles and crossed stitches the instant my concentration slips (memo to self: do not knit and watch Farscape, compulsion to watch the attractive male is too strong), but it's considerably better than the horrifying things I do to purling. With any luck I'll have some rows to show you in a day or so.

2. Conversely, I can now do long-tail cast-on while reading the Yarn Harlot.

3. Reading the Yarn Harlot has inspired me with a mad desire to bake Canadian butter tarts. Have printed out five separate recipes.

4. Have marked all but one of the Honours dissertations. There is green ink on my knitting needles.

5. Is it normal, she asks nervously, for the knitted side to entwine itself around the needle like a barber's pole, or am I once again inventing new and exciting ways of warping space-time by holding the damned thing all wrong?


Unknown said...

Oh, the Swiss cheese scarf is enough to get even me to cast aside my crochet hooks and knit. Almost. Lovely new blog, though. Salutations...

Unknown said...

oh, btw in case you're confused: on livejournal I'm pumeza and elsewhere I'm other things. Among the essential internetty characteristics i seem to lack is a stable identity, after all these years I just have too many nicknames I'm fond of to choose between them...

Emily said...

Yup, it's normal for stitches (specially if they're a bit tight) to twist round and round the pole. Dinna fret.

extemporanea said...

yay pumeza! glad to see you here, glad you identified yourself ;>. And, thanks, Emily, I appreciate your reassuring comments. As I feebly extricate myself from yet another tangle of wool, I feel vaguely soothed.