Saturday, November 17, 2007

whee! Stuff!

So, Robynn is the Knitting Divvil, an enabler par excellence. She sent me a lovely knitting starter kit, including needles, a woolly sheep tape measure and the Yarn Harlot's Knitting Rules. She is not only evangelical in her zeal, she's absurdly generous.

I have made a bizarre discovery. Lantern Moon rosewood needles have been personally blessed by the snarled and sensuous gods of knitting. They are charmed. Having ripped back the swiss cheese scarf for the umpty-millyunth time, I started again on the rosewood 6.5mm beauties. Using them, I make a fraction of the mistakes I usually do, and when I do drop stitches or accidentally loop the wool to double a stitch, I can fix it. Also, they make a quiet, soothing click, and feel light and agile in my hands. As you can see from the photo, the swiss cheese scarf took several giant leaps forward while I watched the last few episodes of Buffy Season 4 last night. It's almost beginning to resemble the swiss cheese scarf. (Although in fairness this might also be because I've completely coincidentally made it in almost the same colour as the pattern. I find this strangely reassuring).

I'm not sure that even birchwood dpns are going to persuade me to knit socks, though.


Robynn said...

I've been convinced for ages that good hardwood needles make better knitting. Glad to know it works for noobs, too. Yay progress! That is looking like a most excellent scarf.

As for socks: no need to rush. The needles will be there when you need them. Note, I didn't say "if", but "when".

Robynn said...

PS: I'm entertained to see that, noob though you may be, you have a firm grip on the rules of knitblogging: show off your toys. Show them off well and often. Yup, one of us.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing the difference beautifully made tools can make to getting a job well done! Go, you!

Emily said...

Robynn's lovely needles do make such a difference, don't they?

extemporanea said...

They're beautiful toys, how can I not show them off?? I took the whole lot to lunch with Tracy when I handed over her dpns, and we stroked and gloated a lot. There is indeed something magical about wood.

firstfallen said...

Heh, you said "stroked" and "wood" :P.

I have yet to use my wooden needle (also courtesy of Scroob). I mainly knit baby things, and 4.5mm is just too big (hur hur) for those. Perhaps I will use them for my bamboo aran jacket.

extemporanea said...

Sigh. I looked at "wood" when I typed it, thought, "Someone might find that obscene," thought "Nah." I forgot you might be reading, Jo :>.