Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I did it! It's a dishcloth! My first ever finished project!

The camera is still doing horrible things to the colour, and viewers are asked not to look too closely at the snarly bits where the yarn separated out. Cotton seems to be evil that way. Also, what do I do with the dangling ends of yarn? My cats want to play with them.

I finished this while watching "Blink" again, still one of my favourite Doctor Who episodes ever, even though it scares me off the couch and occasionally out of the room even on the third watching. I have, however, discovered that looking steadfastly at one's knitting during creepy bits is a very good for defusing the wimpy terror, as well as being randomly good for my knitting.

Now I want to try dishcloths in different colour combinations. This is mostly to prevent me from having to go back to the swiss cheese scarf, which has suddenly reverted to its space/time warping ways, and is refusing to add up to the correct number of stitches. As usual, I blame quantum.


Unknown said...

yee-haa! It looks beautiful. Are you going to be able to bring yourself to wash dishes with it? I need to try knitting again myself and have been considering the same pattern; will take lessons from you. :-)

Schedule5 said...

It does look great. After looking at what you and mamagenerica are doing in the dishcloth arena I may feel compelled to try one myself. I will NOT however, wash dishes with it. I will wash myself :).

Bronchitkat said...

What you do with the trailing ends is, having recovered the awesome wash cloth from your cat, thread them, one at a time, into a bodkin/chibbie/large-eyed, blunt-ended needle. Then you weave them into the knitting - up the side, into the cast on/cast off edge/through the knitted fabric - so that they don't show, anywhere (like purl stitches, this can be done). Then you cut off the spare end, & pull the rest back into your knitting.

I'd advise 'sewing in' at least an inch or two of any trailing ends. Though Robyn will be able to give you the correct way(s) of doing it, &, probably, sell you the best needle thingy too!