Wednesday, January 9, 2008

proof positive!

Just for Robynn, the proof that I actually have managed to create something not entirely unlike the ballband dishcloth (while incidentally watching a whole lot of Season 3 of Doctor Who):

The colours actually look horrible, I'm not sure if it's my photography or the monitor: they should be a deep burgundy and a sort of grey with a faintly green tinge. In close-up (carefully chosen so you don't see the bits with too many errors):

The main problems I'm having with this pattern are the edge bits where I'm bringing in the different yarn colour (gets messy), and the occasional tendency to twist one of the fancy slipped bits. The main problem I'm having with the yarn is that its threads separate very easily, I've mislaid single strands all over the show and snarled them into the wrong places rather wholesalely. The next version will be better, she says with grim determination. But I'm generally very happy with the sort of brick-worky effect, and the rather pleasing texture contrasts.

I have also hopelessly fallen for the Panopticon's latest T-shirt design, which has a dragon-guarded yarn stash.


Want one!


Schedule5 said...

That looks really cool - Now do you actually use that as a dishcloth, after all that effort?

I don't think I could bring myself to.

firstfallen said...

I don't really see the point of knitting cloths. It does seem waaaaay too much effort for something that's going to get all dirty and be subject to much use.

Also, what's your Ravelry screen name?

extemporanea said...

Robynn suggests using it as a facecloth, which seems slightly less sacreligious. Although it's extremely far from a perfect project, and it's perfectly likely that using it as a facecloth will cause me to accidentally tie myself to the taps with the snarly bits.

Robynn said...

Yay! Looks like a washcloth!

(I refuse to call it a dishcloth, because really, my dirty dishes don't deserve such things. My face, however, does. Jo, I know how you feel, but then I found how much fun they are to make!)

Anyway, yes - it looks like it's sposed to! (Messy edges and all.) Go extemp!

Anonymous said...

It looks great! Go, extempt!

Are you signed up at ravelry yet, btw?
